Kiteworld august 2017 Dog Island and the Zika Boy
Kiteboarder march 2017 Antillean Wilderness
Opulence march 2017 - Gone with the Wind by Evan Netsch
Kiteworld 2016 St Martin travel guide
Kiteworld 2008 - All i need by David Hastilov
Kitesurf Mag May 2005 (english article in Kitesurf Mag ) - "No problem in St Martin"
Article in french
Kitesurf Mag may 2001 (french article in Kitesurf Mag) "Les dessous de St Martin"
Kitesurf Mag may 2005 (french article in Kitesurf Mag) - "No problem a St Martin"
Destination Guadeloupe - may 2006 - "Cata kite in Orient bay"
Planche Mag 2001 - a St Martin (french article)
Wind Mag 2001 - Sxm challenge, Friendly Challenge (french article)